Winter 20/21, 2020/21
20/21 pandemic. At first this pandemic did not inspire me at all. But on my daily walk I passed by a poster column covered with old posters announcing gigs that should have happened many month ago. That gave me an idea. I wanted to take pictures from people working in the cultural business always with the background of one of that sad columns.
I always took a picture of one person in front of a column or bus stop with old posters. Musicians, actors, theatre/music technicians, gallerists, artist, event manager and so on. Then from that pictures I let print posters in black and white, which I then stick onto the columns. As outdoor exhibition. As title for each picture, I use the profession of the particular person.
Once possible again I plan to have an exhibition at a gallery or the lounge of a theatre.
With this project I want to make culture and those who work in the cultural busines to be more visible. Art and culture are relevant. We have to be careful that in a crisis we don’t let culture vanish. Culture is what makes us human.