christiane haag actionart artproject intervention aktionskunst fabricprint slowdown urbanart venice biennaledelarte
christiane haag actionart artproject intervention aktionskunst fabricprint slowdown urbanart venice biennaledelarte
christiane haag actionart artproject intervention aktionskunst fabricprint slowdown urbanart venice biennaledelarte
christiane haag actionart artproject intervention aktionskunst fabricprint slowdown urbanart venice biennaledelarte
christiane haag actionart artproject intervention aktionskunst fabricprint slowdown urbanart venice biennaledelarte
christiane haag actionart artproject intervention aktionskunst fabricprint slowdown urbanart venice biennaledelarte
christiane haag actionart artproject intervention aktionskunst fabricprint slowdown urbanart venice biennaledelarte
christiane haag actionart artproject intervention aktionskunst fabricprint slowdown urbanart venice biennaledelarte
christiane haag actionart artproject intervention aktionskunst fabricprint slowdown urbanart venice biennaledelarte
christiane haag actionart artproject intervention aktionskunst fabricprint slowdown urbanart venice biennaledelarte
christiane haag actionart artproject intervention aktionskunst fabricprint slowdown urbanart venice biennaledelarte
christiane haag actionart artproject intervention aktionskunst fabricprint slowdown urbanart venice biennaledelarte

Sit down and rest for a little while, since 2015

Sit down and rest for a little while is a long term project with the aim to slow down people and question fear mongering in this hectic and uncertain times.

I sew cushions from old blankets and bed covers and print on them the message ‘sit down and rest for a little while’. Then I take them to central London or other cities and place them on public benches and places. Sometimes I wait for reactions and sometimes I just leave it to chance. Sometimes I capture it with hidden camera and sometimes people start a conversation. Sometimes people are very suspicious and sometimes people have fun with it.

I take a picture of each placement and write down date and location.

To show this action in gallery space a selection of the photographs can be displayed as a wall piece and cushions are free to take and place.


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