Angel’s Diary Angel’s Diary is a project which I developed for an exhibition in an old air-raid shelter. It is composed of a graphic novel and objects that refer to…
Guerilla Geishas, since 2017 I have always been fascinated by traditional Japanese woodcut, the initials of Japanese comic history and the development of which the Manga culture evolved and how…
Wir sinnen über die Schönheit der Natur Wir erforschen die Komplexität der Landschaft Wir meinen, Natur zu kennen Aber begreifen wir das Schöne ihrer Schlichtheit Urban Deer, seit 2008 Die…
Eiger Memories – Homage to my father, since 2016 My father had a dream. To climb the Eiger North Face on a so far untouched direct route. Together with a…
‘Protagonisten am Strand bei Sonnenaufgang’ (Triptychon) 300x150cm, Aacrylic on canvas The boy who left home, 2008 to 2019 The series ‘The boy who left home’ was inspired by the novels…
Contemporaries, since 2008 Contemporaries is a series of portraits painted with acrylic on canvas. Inspired by accidental encounters, friends, family, theatre, concerts, movies and literature.
Notes of a housewife, 2005 The initiation for this work is based on a coincidental encounter at an exhibition opening with a friend, who’s sons went to football together with…
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